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Voice Recognition

Mount Vernon High School

Excellence In Education

Rob Fetters

Mr. Fetters


Rob Fetters in Hamilton
Mr. Fetters has been teaching social studies students and coaching the In The Know academic quiz bowl team at MVHS since 1999.  He earned a BA in political science at Wittenberg University, a MA in history at Bowling Green State University, and earned his teaching license through the graduate college of education at the University of Toledo.  He has studied personal finance with and the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University (Full Merit Scholarship).  He enjoys traveling with his family.
2nd    Government
3rd     HIVE
4th     KAP US History
5th     Planning 
6th     Lunch 
8th     Government
9th     Government 

Students can find homework and assignments on Google Classroom. Email is the best way to reach me.

In The Know is the MVHS academic quiz bowl team. If you are a student who is smarter than a 5th grader and likes watching Jeopardy or playing trivia apps, please join us for practice after school on Fridays until 4 pm in room 213.

Contact Information


Mr. Rob Fetters
740-393-5900 ext. 5661