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Voice Recognition

Mount Vernon City Schools

Excellence In Education


Student Services/Special Ed.

Mrs. Carmen Griffith - Director of Student Services/District Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator

Mrs. Carmen Griffith

Mrs. Griffith oversees compliance for students with disabilities and Title IX for Mount Vernon City Schools. She provides student service oversight including specially designed instruction by intervention specialists, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychology services, school social work, and nursing. Mrs. Griffith focuses on ensuring that students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), Section 504 Plans, Service Plans (SP), and English as a Second Language (ESL) are provided with applicable accommodations and services. Additionally, she addresses special transportation needs and coordinates student services for students that utilize the Autism and John Peterson Scholarships. Mrs. Griffith is the point of contact for homeless students and children that are in foster care. She is the Title IX Coordinator for Mount Vernon City Schools. 

Mrs. Griffith has 23 years of experience in the field of special education. She has been an intervention specialist in both self-contained and inclusion classrooms in a traditional classroom as well as a virtual classroom. She has served as the district IEP Specialist and Director of Special Education in both settings as well. 

Mrs. Griffith has a bachelors of science from The Ohio State University and earned her state teacher licensure from Ohio Dominican University. She has her masters degree in Educational Leadership from Ashland University. 

Mrs. Griffith is passionate about meeting the needs of all students, specifically those with special needs. She is an advocate for students and strives to connect students with beneficial community connections and services.

District Profile

Mount Vernon City Schools serves approximately 850 students with disabilities each year. About 20 percent of the Mount Vernon student population have been identified as eligible for special education. The district is required to locate all children who may have disabilities, ages birth through age 21, who reside within its boundaries.

The district provides a continuum of special education programming and services at no cost to the parents for:
  • Preschool Children (Ages 3-5)
  • School Age (Ages 6-21) students with identified disabilities in the areas of:
    • Autism
    • Cognitive Delayed Impairment (formerly known as Developmental Handicap/Mental Retardation)
    • Emotional Disturbance (formerly known as Severe Emotional Disturbance/Severe Behavior Handicap)
    • Hearing Impairment
    • Learning Disability (formerly known as Specific Learning Disability)
    • Multiple Disabilities
    • Other Health Impairment
    • Orthopedic Impairment
    • Speech Language Impairment
    • Traumatic Brain Injury
    • Visual Impairment

Individuals with Disabilities Education and Improvement Act

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that assures children and youth with disabilities a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Federal and State laws require school districts to evaluate children who have suspected disabilities. These laws affect all school-aged children educated within the Mount Vernon City School District boundaries and all preschool children who live within the Mount Vernon City School District.
If you have concerns about your child’s ability or skills and suspect there may be a disability, please contact your child’s teacher, principal, or the Student Services/Special Education office at (740) 397-7422 x 6021.

Public Comment

Each year, the Mount Vernon City School District receives Part-B IDEA Special Education funds from the federal government to assist in providing services to students with disabilities.  These funds help to provide instructional and paraprofessional staff, along with instructional materials and supplies.
Questions and suggestions concerning the use of these funds for students with special needs can be directed to Mount Vernon City School's Student Services Director Carmen Griffith at (740) 397-7422, extension 6026. 
Mrs. Griffith also acts as the district’s local liaison to identify and support students experiencing homelessness.  She also provides resources, McKinney-Vento services and information McKinney-Vento Homeless Resources for Awareness.
For more information about IDEA-Part B or Homeless Children & Youth:
Carmen Griffith,  Director of Student Services and Homeless Liaison  
(740) 397-7422, extension 6026


Carmen Griffith

Director of Student Services
District Compliance Officer 
Civil Rights Coordinator
Title IX Coordinator
email:  [email protected] 
voice:  740 397-7422 x 6026

Diana Haxton - Secretary
email: [email protected]
voice: 740-397-7422 x 6021
Chris Morrison - Secretary
email: [email protected]
voice: 740-397-7422 x 6003
Helen Davis - School Psychologist
email: [email protected]
voice: 740-397-7422 x 6006

Karis Walsh - School Psychologist
email: [email protected]
voice: 740-397-7422 x 6022

Becca Moss - Board Certified Behavior Analyst
voice:  740-397-7422 x 6035

Angela Thompson - Assistant to the Psychologists
email: [email protected]
voice: 740-397-7422 x 6027 

Sherry Miglin - Assistant to the Psychologists
email: [email protected]
voice: 740-397-7422 x 6034