It has been said that selecting a Board of Education might be the purest form of democracy. The folks who run for the Board of Education are people you see in the grocery store, or at church or at the farmers market. If you have questions or concerns about how things are going in your district you don’t have to call the State capitol or write to Washington; you can find your representatives nearby.
Mount Vernon City Schools Board of Education :
- Makes and upholds policies that cover the operation of the school district, its employees, students and anyone who is on school property.
- Ensures that students are provided with optimal educational opportunities within the constraints of the district budget.
- Appoint a Superintendent and grant him or her powers to perform as the CEO of the district.
- Appoint a Treasurer and grant him or her authority to act on its behalf in financial matters as provided by Ohio law.
- Act on recommendations of the Superintendent.
- Adopt annual budgets and appropriations measures.
- Approve a district calendar for each school year.
- Enter in employment agreements with personnel as required by Ohio law.
- Make decisions regarding levies and local funding matters.