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Voice Recognition

Mount Vernon City Schools

Excellence In Education


Academic Boosters

Academic Boosters Club

The Academic Boosters Club is a parent volunteer organization whose purpose is to…

Support and recognize the academic achievement of Mount Vernon High School and Knox County Career Center students;

Promote how to earn the academic letter to all students;

Provide scholarships to graduating seniors who are attending college or trade school after graduation

Host an annual academic awards night; and Raise funds for scholarships, awards, and Board-approved activities."


The MVHS Academic Boosters will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month via Zoom at 6:30 pm. 

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 970 9649 2770

One tap mobile
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Academic Booster Club Student Liaisons

Student liaisons are students attending Mount Vernon High School or the Knox County Career Center who are chosen to represent their peers and serve as a link between the boosters and the student body. These students advocate for academic achievement and growth, as well as working toward earning the academic letter.

Anyone interested in becoming a student liaison should contact the Academic Booster Club President at [email protected].

Academic Letter

How to Earn Academic Points

A student must accumulate twenty (20) points to be awarded an Academic Letter and an Academic Pin. He/she will receive an Academic Bar upon accumulating an additional twenty points for a total of forty (40) points. A second Academic Bar is given upon the accumulation of sixty (60) points. If a student accumulates eighty (80) points or more, he/she receives an additional Academic Bar. These awards are presented at the Academic Booster Club Award Celebration in May. Student totals are based on points earned by the end of the third nine-week grading period.
Details on earning points can be found in the Student Handbook and questions should be directed to the MVHS Main Office.

Academic Letter Points Tracker

Student Points Tracker

Students are responsible for tracking points towards their academic letter qualification.  Points will be adjusted until April 28th where all points are final for the creation of the letter program as well as organization of all student awards for the program.  Underclassmen with point discrepancies will be addressed and corrected for the following year's recognition.  Senior corrections will be made and awards distributed to the student during the summer of that graduation year.  It is the responsibility of the student to check and update their points.  If they wish to compare their points before the April 28th deadline, please see Mrs. Wallace.

ACADEMIC LETTER POINT TRACKING FORM (students will need to download form and save in their Drive Folder)

MVHS Academic Boosters Officers

Rebekah Mullins
Vice President
Teressa Grega

Katie Bockover

Assistant Treasurer
Heather Figurski
Contact Email: