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Voice Recognition

Mount Vernon High School

Excellence In Education


National Honor Society

National Honor Society

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National Honor Society is a student-led organization that recognizes and develops excellence in scholarship, leadership, service and character. Not only does the election of a student to NHS provide a testimony to his or her academic abilities, but NHS provides a venue for academically motivated students to come together in the service of our school and community.

Recent chapter service projects include: hosting American Red Cross Blood Drives, Food for the Hungry food drive, Freshman Welcome Day, the Adopt-an-Angel Holiday Gift Drive, serving at the Senior Citizen Luncheon, distribution of high school student schedules, peer tutoring programs, and volunteering at East Elementary and Columbia Elementary.

How to Become a Member of National Honor Society

In order to become a member of Mount Vernon High School's chapter of the National Honor Society students must have:

  • minimum 3.5 GPA
  • evidence of formal and informal leadership
  • community service (recommended minimum of 30 hours in high school with at least two different activities or organizations)
  • three teacher recommendations
  • one community recommendation
Overview of the Selections Process 
Eligible candidates (as determined by the minimum GPA) are notified during the summer of their junior and/or senior year and asked to complete a candidate activity profile packet that helps us determine whether they meet the requirements NHS and MVHS has set for its members. A five-member Faculty Council studies the submitted information and those students who meet the requirements are inducted in November.
Selection to National Honor Society is an honor, not a right. Those students selected for membership are expected to maintain their high standards in scholarship, leadership, service and character as well as attend monthly meetings and participate in chapter and individual service activities. 
The National Honor Society and the National Junior Honor Society and NHS and NJHS are duly registered trademarks of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Unauthorized copying or use of said trademarks is strictly prohibited.

Candidate Information

Students who are academically eligible to apply will receive a letter in the mail in late June with more information

Mandatory Candidate Information Meeting
Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
at 7:10 AM 
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 at 2:45 PM
High School Theater 
All materials must be submitted 
to Mrs. Loveland 
by Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 3:15 pm 
 Induction Ceremony 
Monday, November 18  7 PM
High School Theater 
(30 minute- rehearsal immediately after school on Friday the 15th)


Please refer to the FAQ page for answers to frequently asked questions about the selections process at MVHS. Please contact Mrs. Loveland if you have other questions!

Candidate Forms