Watch previous episodes from this year by visiting our channel on Rumble - the home of REAL free speech for user-generated content.
Since the demise of Channel One News, social media has exploded in popularity. While traditional journalism formats are struggling to survive (especially in print), the ability to write and produce attractive, interesting content with the potential to go "viral" is still very much in demand. Communication, graphic design, video editing, technical expertise, and many other skills - including the ability to collaborate effectively in teams - will continue to be valuable in a rapidly changing real world. The vision of MVTV is to assemble a diverse array of students and their talents and create content that their teachers, administrators, peers, parents, and even community members will want to watch. Our goals include:
- Ensure better, broader access to important announcements.
- Highlight some of the awesome happenings at MVHS, including sports, clubs, events, projects, etc. - things people should know about!
- Improve communication between administration, teachers, organizations, and students.
- Provide a career-styled outlet for students who have talents that align with the new face of journalism and entertainment.