Back by popular demand is our Columbia Elementary School PTO Gift Basket Fundraiser! In 2022 we did a gift basket fundraiser and not only was it incredibly successful, but our kids had a great time participating and an even greater time with the prizes! We raised money for many fun events and student support that would not have been possible without our Columbia families and their supporters. Those funds helped us to provide opportunities for our students, assemblies, and activities such as our leap day frogs and our egg hunt before spring break!
Our families loved this fundraiser and we wanted to do this again, but bigger and better! We have been planning this fundraiser and celebratory event for two years! This year we will have many fun baskets to raffle off to our family and friends. The kids will have the first opportunity at this fundraiser, and the only digital option for purchasing tickets! Our Spring Fling event, on April 20th, will be the final date for cash purchases of tickets to enter each baskets raffle. It will also be the date that the winners will be selected! Not only will this event be the culmination of our gift basket fundraiser, but it will also be an opportunity to share our gratitude with the many local businesses who support our school! Our spring fling will be a family dance party with the gift basket raffle at the end!
Our kiddos won great prizes for the last gift basket raffle, and we plan to bring the prizes again, this year! Top selling students can win a ride to school in the Mount Vernon Fire Department's fire truck or with the Knox County Sheriff's Office! We are trying to work our magic to get a dunk tank, so our top sellers have the opportunity to dunk Mr. Thompson, or Mrs. Miller, who is VERY excited! We cannot wait to bless our students, as they bless us every day!