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Pleasant Street Elementary

Excellence In Education

Physical Education News

Physical Education News and Happenings

Welcome Back Kids!!!!!

I am excited be back to school this year.  I know it will look different to many of you but we will all be adjusting together.  No matter what, I want you to know we are in this together!

Below are some skills, activities, and topics we will be learning about in Physical Education while being in a hybrid mode of learning.
  1. Personal Space (social distancing space)
  2. Pathways, levels, and speeds
  3. Creativity and Imagination
  4. Balance and body coordination
  5. Hand eye coordination
  6. Physical fitness
  7. Problem solving
  8. Throwing and Catching Skills
  9. Striking Skills 
  10. and MANY MORE!!!!


How Class Will Look Different

Physical Education class will be a little different this year but please do not worry, safety will still be the #1 priority!
  1. Students will be permitted to remove masks during Physical Education class because they will be actively exercising.
  2. Lesson are planned to maintain proper social distance.
  3. Equipment will be cleaned and sanitized before and after each class.
  4. Each student will have their "own" equipment during class unless otherwise approved use of equipment.
  5. The use of technology will continue to be daily.
  6. Enrichment activities will be available for students, friends, and family on our google classroom pages and YouTube page. 
  7. Cohort Classes make more individualized instruction in each skill area.
Welcome Back Video

2020 Virtual Field Day Highlight Video

2020 Shutdown Photos