Please call 393-5985 Ext. 6300 between 7:45 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. to report a student’s absence or to request permission for a student to be released early from school. The parent/guardian will be asked to give the reason for absence. Students absent from school without a parental call will be considered unexcused.
You can report your student's absence in advance any time of day by calling the school building number and following the attendance prompt.
Automated Attendance Calling System
Mount Vernon City Schools uses InstantConnect as our automated attendance call system. This system automatically calls parents to inform them that their child was reported absent at school by their teacher.
- Please make sure that if your child is absent, contact the building secretary to report that absence each day, before the start of their school day.
- Even if you have already called in your student's absence or if your child arrives late to school, you will still receive a call from the automated system due to the attendance data download occurring at a set time each day. You may disregard the call if you have reported the absence to the building secretary.
Students signing out of school early for appointments should follow our regular procedures of bringing a note to the office in the morning so a pass can be issued to leave class before being signed out by a parent.
Make sure to update your student's emergency form if your residential address, phone number, or email address recently changed. Contact data is imported into our Student Information System directly from the emergency medical form in OneView.
If you are having any issues, please get in touch with your building secretary for assistance.