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Voice Recognition


Excellence In Education


Music For Life

What is Music For Life?

Music For Life at MVMS

Students and parents check out the keyboards during the Academic Showcase.
Music For Life
      Students at MVMS have the opportunity to take the class, "Music For Life," in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Each year focuses on slightly different skills and topics, but all have the goal of equiping students to enjoy and make music for the rest of their lifetimes.

           How does this happen?
Students learn the basics of playing the piano (6,7,8), ukulele (7,8), and creating music using technology (6, 7, 8). They also listen to a wide variety of music styles, including music from different time periods and cultures. This helps students understand the roots of the music we listen to today, and realize that music has similarities throughout the world.

 Music is all around us
Unboxing day for grant-funded MIDI controllers.
 We also take every chance possible to discuss and learn about the role music plays in our everyday lives. From film scores and theme songs, to the way our brains process music, there's no escaping music and its effect on us.