In a heartwarming initiative, the High School Key Club, in collaboration with dedicated staff and students from the Mount Vernon City School District, recently undertook a project to provide Thanksgiving meals for those in need within our community. The initiative carried out through the Byron Saunders Foundation, aimed to supply 75 meals to families in Knox County.
Remarkably, the Key Club surpassed its initial goal, ensuring that a total of 91 Thanksgiving meals were delivered to families who may have otherwise faced challenges during the holiday season. This achievement reflects not only the dedication of the Key Club members but also the spirit of collaboration that exists within the Mount Vernon community.
The Byron Saunders Foundation has been a key player in addressing food insecurity, and the partnership with Mount Vernon High School Key Club underscores the power of collective efforts. By combining their resources and determination, these students and educators have made a significant impact on the well-being of local families.
The project not only provided tangible support in the form of Thanksgiving meals but also served as a reminder of the importance of community service, compassion, and generosity that thrive within Mount Vernon.