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Message From the Superintendent - What is ‘Modified Lockdown’?
What is ‘Modified Lockdown’?
Modified Lockdown is issued when circumstances outside of the school setting warrant an extra level of safety and security.

What does a ‘Modified Lockdown’ look like?
All exterior doors are checked and secured, students in Modular classrooms are escorted into the main building, students are to remain in their classrooms with limited, supervised hallway access. Regular daily instruction will continue as normal, exterior activities including recess will be postponed until further notice.

Please understand that our first priority is to take the necessary steps to ensure our students and staff safety. When we receive an ‘All Clear’ status from law enforcement we will resume our day to day operations and take the necessary steps to inform you of the events that led to the ‘Lockdown’.

During a ‘Lockdown’ we are asking parents to respect our decision to not release students until we have an ‘All Clear’. While we understand the concern of parents and their desire to pick up their children it puts all of our students at risk if we are unlocking doors, pulling students out of class and disrupting a secure and safe environment.

 It is important that parents and community members sign up for Knox Alerts to be informed of situations affecting the MV community. MV Schools uses Knox Alerts to inform residents of weather delays, school closings, items of interest as well as an emergency notification system for parents and community members. Knox Alerts is not intended to be a detailed account of what is taking place at the moment, but is to serve as notification to parents that we are implementing plans to ensure the safety of all students on our campuses. Please take time to sign up for Knox County Alerts by clicking on this link: |Knox Alerts| and complete the document.

William Seder